Month: September 2016

La Nueva Conciencia Cósmica

Muy pocos apreciamos el verdadero poder de la mente…La mente es tan poderosa que jamás pierde su fuerza creativa, ella nunca duerme y esta creando continuamente.

KALI, the Angry Goddess

Truly coming into the light means making peace with all the darkness that is inside us and letting it go. Is it be possible to do it without going through it?

Teaching Locally, Networking Globally

Being an english teacher abroad means being a foreigner with different ideas on how to do things. It isn’t always easy to separate what you believe from the lesson at…

The Furies Revenge

I feel compelled to publicly post about this because unfortunately 1 out of 3 women in the world will be physically of sexually assaulted at some point in her life. It is a serious problem in our society.

Mul Mantra: Más allá del Destino

En la mitología Griega, hay unas diosas llamadas las Morais cuyo trabajo se decía que era repartir el destino a cada persona. Se solían representar en el arte como tejedoras,…